Tuesday, December 24, 2013

How does calories make us gain/lose weight?


        3500 calories = 1 pound [of fat] gained

  Likewise, 3500 burned calories = 1 pound of weight loss.

This applies no matter who, what, when, where, how....or why!

If I ate 3500 calories today and 3500 more calories tomorrow...

and did nothing at all to burn calories, then I will have gained 2 pounds of fat (If 3500 calories = 1 pound, then 7000 calories = 2 pounds). 

Whether the pound(s) gained are fat pounds or muscle pounds depends on the food that was eaten from the start (i.e. nutritious food or non nutritious food).

On the flip side...

3500 burned calories = 1 pound of weight loss. 7000 burned calories = 2 pounds of weight loss. Basically, follow the theory that when that 3500 calories settle, then a pound is gained. 

What stops calories from settling? 

Use of calories as energy stops calories from settling/accumulating to that 3500 = 1 pound mark. Things that burn calories (use energy) are:
walking   running    thinking    talking    working out    sports   reading   playing
and many many more things similar

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Build Your Credit Up! #BadCredit #NoCredit #ResultsinDays

                        How to establish A-1 Credit in 45 days

  • In this blog you will learn how to build good credit in 45 days.
  • Use the bank's money to get A-1 credit at many different banks
  • Be able to secure loans, buy houses, and receive lower down-payments

                             What to do?
 It will take $500 and a bank account to initiate the process. Once you have the money, take your cash to your regular bank. Open a normal savings account... 

Wait about 3 days to make sure your account has been posted and then apply for a loan offering your $500 dollars as collateral. When the banker hears this, he will welcome you since the loan will be risk free for his bank. 

 There will be no check into your credit. It might be a good idea to deposit your money in a bank that offers some kind of premium.  That never hurts.

Now you have $500 in your bank that is drawing interest.

Note:  the money in your savings account has a freeze on it due to the loan. 

Take the $500 cash to a new bank and open up a another saving account. Three days later, go back to the second bank and see the loan officer to open up the same account as bank one. 

Go through this procedure at least three more times with other banks. (Do at least 5 banks, although you can do more. )

    NOW TO START BUILDING YOUR                                    CREDENTIALS

After you have opened savings accounts at all of the banks and obtained loans from each of them, take the $500 from the last bank account that was opened and open a checking account at any bank you choose three days later and begin writing checks.

Pay Off Monthly Payments
Pay one full months payment at each bank which you have taken out a loan on. A week later, make another payment to all the banks. At this rate, you will have all your loans paid off in about 45 days. 

With each payment, an equal amount of money will be unfrozen in your saving accounts. You can take this money and place it in your checking account as you go along.

No matter what your previous credit rating has been, you will now have not one credit reference, but five excellent ones. In fact, after three early payments, the banks will automatically clear you for future signature loans at their banks and will give you an AAA-1 credit rating to any bureau checking your credit rating.

                                 Helpful Tips
1- Always take your savings account book with you when applying for the loans, since you will have to surrender it to the bank officer

2- Try to get on at least a 9 month repayment schedule for each loan even though you will pay each loan much sooner

There You Have It... RISK FREE!

The interest your savings account earns will offset much of the interest charges on the bank loans. You end up actually paying a very small price for a superb credit rating. 

After you have worked this plan, and established yourself in the credit world, you can apply for credit cards and bank cards and have no fear of being turned down.
Remember, you are now backed by the most important credit references of all--banks! Even such "hard-to-get cards" as American Express or Diner's Club should pose no problem. 

Signature loans can be obtained on a 24-hour notice at any of the banks you have employed in your plan, low down-payments on cars, security fees, and homes--all this in as little as 45 days.
Got a Million Dollar Idea... Need Investments??

Email me for or comment for a list of Venture Capitalist who are known as being the top lenders. Addresses are included!!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Blog: Fat under Our Skin Theory

(part I of III)
                          Part I:  (Fat cells)

You have skin, fat, muscle and then bone. Notice how the fat sits between your skin and your muscle.The more fat you have, the less visible your muscles are. 

How your fat cells grow/shrink depending on what you eat:

Our bodies have billions of fat cells. When we gain weight, we gain size in "each" fat cell in a sense. When we lose weight, we lose size in "each" fat cell. 

Think of a single fat cell as a lower case "o". 

Let's say that this is the size of a fat cell in an average person that is not too far overweight.
Now, look at a person who is, for example, 150
pounds over weight. Think of "each" of their fat cells to have grown from a lower case "o" to 
an upper case "O".        

Keep in mind that each fat cell grows at the same time. 

The more we eat foods that have no real nutritional 
value, the more "each" fat cell grows. The more we eat 
healthy food, the more "each" fat cell "shrinks" back to 
it's normal size (or even smaller).

When we go overboard by eating foods that are of no real nutritional value, we take the chance of causing individual fat cells to get so huge that the old (maximum capacity fat cells) create new fat cells causing excess fat and "blubber". 

                More Coming Soon! Stay tuned for parts 2 and 3:

Part II 
(Nutrients: Protein, Carbohydrates, Fats)

Part III 
(The Inside Workings of Nutrients - 
Let's See What's  Taking Place While 
Eating a Bag of Potatoes Chips)

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

How Stomach Fat can Trigger Back Pains

  *The Update 12/1/13*
   Lets first look at our tummy (stomach). No matter how big or small it is, it grows in one circle. The only part that we normally see as it grows, is the front part of that circle (your belly). The back part of the circle grows and pushes outward on our spine.
      That's why sometimes when we stand too long our lower back began to hurt. This is from a combination of pressure from the tummy pushing on the spine and the lower back muscles being too weak to withstand all the standing. 

As we stand, our body is balancing itself from tipping over and that means that our lower back is constantly playing an integral part in that balancing act (like you are trying to balance a pencil on a saucer or something---the center of your finger (in this case your lower back) is doing the constant work.

Let's get to the lower back.   

The lower back has some of your body's strongest muscles. Normally, the bigger ones are strong and can withstand stuff. The lower back muscles (the one just above your cheeks), however, just sits there and are super weak if you do not, or have not ever done lower back workouts. All of the other muscles are connected to that muscle by your ligaments and things. The other bigger back muscles are strong even without working out. The strong other back muscles (using your ligaments and stuff), pull that poor lower back muscle in any direction it suddenly wishes and the weakling back muscle "tries" to stay ready.
A sudden movement, jerk, reach downward, or even a "bump" into your body and a permanent back injury could take place. 
Most of the time the poor lower muscle is just pulled out of whack and heals. However, a lot of time it is pulled all-the-way out and BAM! Back injury for life. :(

To prevent most lower back injuries you MUST MUST MUST work that poor little back muscle at least two times per week
Do This..
Make a muscle with your arm and look at the muscle. Now stretch your arm back out. Now make the muscle again. Now stretch it back out. 
See how your arm muscle formed when you made a muscle and then went back down after that?    Now this is how we work that poor little lower back muscle to get it stronger than never before. Then when the big muscles, or sudden movements, tug and pull on it it can just sit still and go with the flow STRONGLY. 
How to Make the Lower Back Muscles Stronger... 

1.) Stand up

2.) Picture your lower back and focus on that area.

3.) Lean back and tighten your lower back only (just like when you make a muscle with your arm)
4.) hold it tight for two seconds

5.) now stand back straight up

(the workout above if a half of a dead lift in weight-lifting terms)

Each time you do steps 1-5, it counts as one rep
Do 3 sets of 10 to 20 reps three times each week and watch all lower back problems go ways!
Thanks, Pass the Message and LIKE IT :)!

Will Not Eating Help Me Lose Weight??

Never go hours and hours
without eating... Why??

     This causes your body to eat itself and save all fat just in case you are planning on trying to starve yourself (or if you are actually in a situation where you are being starved).
     During starvation, our bodies are so intelligent that it automatically halts all use of using regular energy sources for bodily functions, and it eats off of all that good protein we have in our muscles. IT STORES ALL OF THE FAT THAT IT CAN because it does not know how long this so called starvation period is going to last. In addition, it slows your metabolism down sort of like an energy saver on an electronic item. This causes your fat to just sit and sit and sit without being burned/used.

 Think of your body as being a little paranoid when a few hours go by and no food has come in. Immediately, it gets scared and starts holding on to all fat "just in case". This is not good. Why? because at the same time it feeds from your muscles. That's what creates the no muscle and all fat look.
    Not only must you eat, you must eat foods that are nutritional at this stage because any food that comes in after your body has went into "hold all fat mode", will be at up by the body and stored in its proper "compartment". Protein is stored in the muscles, carbohydrates are stored for energy use, and fat is stored as FAT. If you eat something full of fat, you just defeated the purpose of eating for health, basically. You just added more fat to the "fat reservoir" and in a few minutes, the body will continue eating from your muscles as it was doing when it thought you were starving it!

   Did you know that eating small portions every 3 hours can actually help you lose fat by keeping your metabolism working at a steady rate all day?

So..Instead of starving yourself, EAT!!
Check out our earlier blog for more information about this!

(stay tuned for related post on the inside workings of bad food and the actual fat)

Thank you and have a great day :)



Sunday, December 1, 2013

Do You Have my Back? *Obesity and Back Pains*

*ROUGH DRAFT* -displays how emails turn into blogpost.

Dear Julia,

Hey loooove! 

     I'm back from lunch and the fish was some T-R-A-S-H! lol harder than a rock too (some thanksgiving lol). But love, let me finish before I go back out to work. 

On the back issue... 

Look at your lower back muscles like this---well first, look at our tummy (stomach). No matter how big or small it is, it grows in one circle. The only part that we normally see as it grows into that circle is the front part of the circle. The back part of the circle grows and pushes outward on our spine.

      That's why sometimes when we stand too long our lower back hurts because of the pressure from the tummy pushing the spine and the lower back muscle being too weak to withstand all the standing. 
**(you know as we stand or even sit) our body (unbeknownst to us) is balancing itself from tipping over and that means that our lower back is constantly playing an integral part in that balancing act (like you are trying to balance a pencil on a saucer or something---the center of your finger (in this case your lower back) is doing the constant work.**

Let's get to the lower back.   
The lower back has some of your body's strongest muscles. Normally, the bigger ones are strong and can withstand stuff. However, the lower back muscle, the one just above your cheeks and under the skin, sits there. All of the other muscles are connected to that muscle by your ligaments and things. Now if you do not, or have not ever done lower back workouts then that one muscle is super weak. The other bigger back muscles are strong even without working out. They get even stronger when you work them out. The strong other back muscles (using your ligaments and stuff) pull that poor lower back muscle in any direction it suddenly wishes because it is the unworked weakling. *** The weakling back muscle "tries" to stay ready because it is always being just "pulled" every which way. It "tries" to stay on point. Guess what sneaks up on it though? 

A sudden movement, jerk, reach downward, or even a "bump" into your body and a permanent back injury could take place. 
Most of the time the poor lower muscle is just pulled out of whack and heals. However, a lot of time it is pulled all-the-way out and BAM! 
Back injury for life.

 To prevent lower back injuries you MUST work that poor little back muscle at least two times per week. Make a muscle with your arm and look at the muscle. Now stretch your arm back out. Now make the muscle again. Now stretch it back out. See how your arm muscle formed when you made a muscle and the n went back down after that?    Now this is how we work that poor little weak lower back muscle to get it stronger than never so when the big muscles or sudden movements tug and pull on it it cab just sit still and go with the flow STRONGLY).

1-stand up
2-picture your lower back
3-focus on your lower back
4-there is a muscle there
5-lean back and tighten your lower back only (just like when you make a muscle with your arm)
6-hold it tight for two seconds
7-now stand back straight up

each time you do that one time that counts as one rep
do 3 sets of 10 to 20 reps 3 times each week and watch all lower back problems go ways
you can even stretch lower back (general) injuries this same way

(the workout above if a half of a dead lift in weight-lifting terms)

when you get a chance just print this part on a sep e-mail and send it to me so I can forward it to Tah and not have to type it over. I cannot forward this one because it has our other e-mails at the bottom. You can cut n paste it love. tty in a few. Oh, I will do the e-mail about the kids when I get in at 3, kay love?

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Free Meal Plan (All Diet NO Exercise!)

    Health Blog / Fat-Burner Blog / Additional 30 Years to Your Life Blog

          NO WORKOUT REQUIRED      

               (RESULTS IN 2 TO 3 DAYS GUARANTEED!)
~All research has been done for you. Just eat the foods listed at the times listed...copy this and send to family/friends!~

 About Nutrients  (Carbohydrates, Protein, and Fats)
-Protiens are the building blocks for lean muscle; Proteins feed muscle

-Carbohydrates are the fuel/energy for bodily functions (i.e. to walk, to play, to think, etc.) There are simple carbohydrates and complex ones.

-Fats are Fats!! Actually, a little fat is required because it assists in carrying other nutrients throughout the body through your veins.

   Buy this from the store:
Chicken breast, turkey, tuna, salmon, other fish, or even lean beef.

*Simple Carbohydrates*  
(water-based foods; they burn fast and "simple") Small fruit and any kind of vegetables

*Complex Carbohydrates*
(made up of solid foods and have to be broken down by the body for digestion) Oatmeal, grits rice, potatoes, beans, bran cereal (no sugar!), wheat cereal (no sugar!).

Eat your first meal as soon as you wake up. This causes your metabolism to start burning fat. After you eat your first meal, set your watch for three (3) hours later. After three hours are up, eat your second meal. Eatting every three hours or so keeps your metabolism burning at a steady pace instead of just having your metabolism sitting still/idle. After your second meal, set your watch for three hours again. After the three hours are up, eat your third meal. Follow this three-hours-apart schedule until you have eaten all six meals. Here is your simple meal plan. Live!
                                    ** DID YOU KNOW**

- Consuming more than 1 spoon of peanut butter per day defeats your fat-loss goals? (See "Express Abs For All" (page 6) explaining why)

                          BY VISITING OUR SITE AT:  InstantPublishing.Wix.com/SHOP

       Be on the look out for LIFE-GIVING gifts this coming X-Mas! 

As well as future helpful blog post!

Sample of blog updates:
  • Why/how refusing to eat causes your body to sotore fat as a general principle.
  • Ever consume greasy foods and then have an uneasy feeling in your chest area?
  • How fat cells swell under the skin--what causes this?
  • How to shrink fat cells under the skin.
  • What is the purpose of protein?
  • What is the purpose of a carbohydrate?
  • What is the purpose of a fat?
  • What is a nutrient?


Monday, November 18, 2013

Express Abs for ALL

Support and Gain: Express Abs for All

Now Available on Amazon for $9.99.
     Hello, and welcome to this blog-site. My name is Tahji and I am starting this blog for my father, Glenn Williams. He is currently in prison and has been so since I was 5 years old (I am now 23). During this time he has remained in close contact with my sister and I, and some how was able to help raise us over the phone and through letters. He would test and challenge our intelligence and to this day, in his eyes, we can do no wrong.
     I was and still am grateful to have such a loving father figure and role model in my life. So it is no question as to why I wouldn't give back, or assist him with anything he may need. To this day I look up to him with respect and awe. He works hard and dreams BIG. I have faith in him, and he has faith in God.
     In addition to this ab book, my father has written two other health based books, but his passion is in screen writing. He plans on being the next Tyler Perry and in his words, "shutting the movie industry down!" He works, studies law, and even teaches a screen writing class. This is not just any class, but one that he prepared his own curriculum for and implemented it into the program of classes at his correctional facility.
     Enough for the background, he, like I, are about business! I know present our first blog page displaying the first completed project of many to come. 

Stay tuned for FREE tips, information, and common knowledge that can advance your health and maybe even save your life as well as the lives of your loved ones! Get the abs you always wanted, burn fat, & gain muscle, in the most simplest and convenient ways ever!