Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Will Not Eating Help Me Lose Weight??

Never go hours and hours
without eating... Why??

     This causes your body to eat itself and save all fat just in case you are planning on trying to starve yourself (or if you are actually in a situation where you are being starved).
     During starvation, our bodies are so intelligent that it automatically halts all use of using regular energy sources for bodily functions, and it eats off of all that good protein we have in our muscles. IT STORES ALL OF THE FAT THAT IT CAN because it does not know how long this so called starvation period is going to last. In addition, it slows your metabolism down sort of like an energy saver on an electronic item. This causes your fat to just sit and sit and sit without being burned/used.

 Think of your body as being a little paranoid when a few hours go by and no food has come in. Immediately, it gets scared and starts holding on to all fat "just in case". This is not good. Why? because at the same time it feeds from your muscles. That's what creates the no muscle and all fat look.
    Not only must you eat, you must eat foods that are nutritional at this stage because any food that comes in after your body has went into "hold all fat mode", will be at up by the body and stored in its proper "compartment". Protein is stored in the muscles, carbohydrates are stored for energy use, and fat is stored as FAT. If you eat something full of fat, you just defeated the purpose of eating for health, basically. You just added more fat to the "fat reservoir" and in a few minutes, the body will continue eating from your muscles as it was doing when it thought you were starving it!

   Did you know that eating small portions every 3 hours can actually help you lose fat by keeping your metabolism working at a steady rate all day?

So..Instead of starving yourself, EAT!!
Check out our earlier blog for more information about this!

(stay tuned for related post on the inside workings of bad food and the actual fat)

Thank you and have a great day :)



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