Monday, November 18, 2013

Express Abs for ALL

Support and Gain: Express Abs for All

Now Available on Amazon for $9.99.
     Hello, and welcome to this blog-site. My name is Tahji and I am starting this blog for my father, Glenn Williams. He is currently in prison and has been so since I was 5 years old (I am now 23). During this time he has remained in close contact with my sister and I, and some how was able to help raise us over the phone and through letters. He would test and challenge our intelligence and to this day, in his eyes, we can do no wrong.
     I was and still am grateful to have such a loving father figure and role model in my life. So it is no question as to why I wouldn't give back, or assist him with anything he may need. To this day I look up to him with respect and awe. He works hard and dreams BIG. I have faith in him, and he has faith in God.
     In addition to this ab book, my father has written two other health based books, but his passion is in screen writing. He plans on being the next Tyler Perry and in his words, "shutting the movie industry down!" He works, studies law, and even teaches a screen writing class. This is not just any class, but one that he prepared his own curriculum for and implemented it into the program of classes at his correctional facility.
     Enough for the background, he, like I, are about business! I know present our first blog page displaying the first completed project of many to come. 

Stay tuned for FREE tips, information, and common knowledge that can advance your health and maybe even save your life as well as the lives of your loved ones! Get the abs you always wanted, burn fat, & gain muscle, in the most simplest and convenient ways ever!

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