Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Blog: Fat under Our Skin Theory

(part I of III)
                          Part I:  (Fat cells)

You have skin, fat, muscle and then bone. Notice how the fat sits between your skin and your muscle.The more fat you have, the less visible your muscles are. 

How your fat cells grow/shrink depending on what you eat:

Our bodies have billions of fat cells. When we gain weight, we gain size in "each" fat cell in a sense. When we lose weight, we lose size in "each" fat cell. 

Think of a single fat cell as a lower case "o". 

Let's say that this is the size of a fat cell in an average person that is not too far overweight.
Now, look at a person who is, for example, 150
pounds over weight. Think of "each" of their fat cells to have grown from a lower case "o" to 
an upper case "O".        

Keep in mind that each fat cell grows at the same time. 

The more we eat foods that have no real nutritional 
value, the more "each" fat cell grows. The more we eat 
healthy food, the more "each" fat cell "shrinks" back to 
it's normal size (or even smaller).

When we go overboard by eating foods that are of no real nutritional value, we take the chance of causing individual fat cells to get so huge that the old (maximum capacity fat cells) create new fat cells causing excess fat and "blubber". 

                More Coming Soon! Stay tuned for parts 2 and 3:

Part II 
(Nutrients: Protein, Carbohydrates, Fats)

Part III 
(The Inside Workings of Nutrients - 
Let's See What's  Taking Place While 
Eating a Bag of Potatoes Chips)

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